The Boston Globe Covers Alberto Hernandez, the Man Tasked With Keeping – Meshika Hats

The Boston Globe Covers Alberto Hernandez, the Man Tasked With Keeping the Patriots QB in Style by Making Cam Newton a Custom Hat Every Week

On November 12, 2020, Boston Globe journalist Nicole Yang covered Alberto Hernandez and his work of creating Cam Newton's signature hats for his game day looks. 

Yang writes "The two exchanged pleasantries before collaborating on a hat, right then and there. Hernandez remembers Newton dabbing with excitement, as he walked him through the step-by-step process. The finished product was a wide-brimmed, flap-topped olive-green number."

That was Cam's first hat from Alberto, and to this day, he says it is still his favorite.

"Little did Hernandez know that hat would be the first of hundreds he’d make for Newton.

“I make a hat for Cam every week,” Hernandez said. “Since that day until today.”

The powder blue Panama hat Newton wore with a matching jacket in Week 3? Custom-made by Hernandez. Same with the black fedora he wore with his yellow suit in Week 1."

"For Hernandez, the opportunity to create custom hats keeps alive a family tradition. Hernandez grew up in Mexico, where his father and grandfather taught him how to make cowboy hats at a young age. After he immigrated to California when he was 16, Hernandez landed an apprenticeship at a hat shop in Burbank and worked there for 12 years before launching his own business, Meshika."

Alberto has immense joy creating for Cam.... click to read the full article in the Boston Globe.

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